High School Tutoring + College Admissions Support
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Boost College Admissions Success with BluePrint
The best way to begin your college admissions journey is with our proprietary BluePrint plan. Former Cornell Director of Admissions, John Morganelli, creates this invaluable resource for all of our clients. After a short interview with students and a long intake form, you will receive a detailed plan that is over 30 pages long. We will also walk through the plan with you in a comprehensive consultation.
College Admissions Test Prep
SAT Prep
ACT Prep
High School Tutoring + College Admissions Support Classes Instructors
Kevin N.
Kevin Newton has worked to help Americans find their best university fit overseas for more than a decade. Following his own time at William & Mary, Kevin then attended the University of London's School of Oriental a...
Maribel L.
Born in Buffalo, New York, Maribel graduated from Johns Hopkins University with a BA in Writing Seminars. Today, she works as a freelance writer and editor in New York City after a five-year stint in the world of ma...
Kyla W.
Kyla, a New York City native, attended Avenues New York in Chelsea before graduating from Stanford University in 2023 with a BS in Product Design Engineering and minor in Creative Writing. Throughout the summers, K...
Alejandro V.
Alejandro is a fourth year medical student at SUNY Downstate and is applying to anesthesia residency positions. He completed a cardiac anesthesia internship at Harvard Medical School and a general anesthesia interns...