Geometry Regents: Everything You Need to Know
Geometry Regents test your comprehension of key concepts and mathematical proofs. Though the material is covered in school classes, many students approach Geometry Regents with a certain amount of apprehension. It’s important to remember that Regents tests, while stressful, are doable. Ivy Tutors can help you build skills that will make test day a breeze. Here’s what you need to know to succeed on your Geometry Regents exam.
Geometry Regents test your comprehension of key concepts and mathematical proofs. Though the material is covered in school classes, many students approach Geometry Regents with a certain amount of apprehension. It’s important to remember that Regents tests, while stressful, are doable. Ivy Tutors can help you build skills that will make test day a breeze. Here’s what you need to know to succeed on your Geometry Regents exam.

What is Geometry Common Core Regents?
Geometry Regents exams are state exams given to students in order to test their comprehension of essential concepts in mathematics. Students take Geometry Regents after they have completed their school’s common core Geometry course, typically in 10th or 11th grade. In New York State, students must pass five Regents exams in order to graduate, so it’s important to be prepared for test day.
When is the NYS Geometry Regents in 2024?
Geometry Regents exams for the 2023-2024 school year will be given in January, June, and August 2024 when students have completed their Geometry coursework.
Geometry Regents exam dates in 2024 are:
- Wednesday, January 24, 2024
- Friday, June 21, 2024
- Tuesday, August 20, 2024
How long is the Geometry Regents?
Students have 3 hours to complete their Geometry Regents test, though many report finishing the test in fewer than three hours.
What topics are in the Geometry regents?
Topics on the Geometry Regents exam are core geometry concepts including:
- Congruence
The congruence section of the test is about 27% to 34% of the test and covers students’ ability to construct proofs of geometric theorems.
- Similarity, Right Triangles, and Trigonometry
29-30% of the test is taken up by Similarity, Right Triangles, and Trigonometry, which tests students' knowledge of transformation and ratios.
- Circles
Questions about circles take up only 2% to 8% of the regents test. Students will need to know key theorems related to circles as well as how to calculate circle areas and arc lengths.
- Expressing Geometric Properties with Equations
This section is about 12% to 15% of the exam and covers conic sections and geometric descriptions. It also tests student’s comfort validating theorems through the use of coordinates.
- Geometric Measurement & Dimensions
This section is only about 2% to 8% of the test. Students will be tested on their ability to compare flat objects and three-dimensional objects. You’ll need to be comfortable applying formulas to calculate volume.
- Modeling with Geometry
Modeling with Geometry sections cover 8% to 15% of NY Regents Exams. This section tests students’ ability to apply geometry concepts to real-world scenarios. Students will need to show their work consistently, especially on modeling questions.
Geometry Regents Exam Structure
The Geometry Regents exam consists of 36-38 questions divided into 3 open-ended sections and 1 multiple-choice section. Though use of a calculator is allowed, students are asked to demonstrate their understanding of concepts by showing their work on short answer questions.

Geometry Regents Scores
How is Geometry Regents graded?
The Geometry Regents multiple choice section is graded by a computer scanner, and the free response questions are graded by mathematics teachers throughout New York. Each section is assigned a certain number of points which are then tallied for a total. Regents Exams are calculated on a curve, so it is difficult to estimate an exact final score based purely off of correct answers. Some score calculators can be helpful as students take practice tests and study.
How to pass the Geometry Regents?
In order to pass Geometry Regents, students should have a solid grasp of all course concepts. Taking practice tests helps students familiarize themselves with the exam structure. Other test prep strategies like test anxiety coaching and time management exercises are useful ways to prepare for Regents testing.
Is the Geometry regents hard?
The difficulty of Geometry Regents varies from student to student, so it’s important to work with a trained tutor to ensure success on the exam.
Why do students fail the Geometry Regents and what happens if you fail the Geometry Regents?
Students pass Geometry Regents with a 3, 4, or 5, or a scaled score of 65 or higher. Students with test anxiety or students who struggle with the course material are more likely to have a hard time passing the exam. The good news is Regents Exams can be retaken, and with proper preparation, students can approach retakes feeling confident. Students may also retake Regents exams if they are unsatisfied with their score – even if they passed the exam the first time. It is important to note that testing periods only happen three times a year, so it’s in a student’s best interest to pass the test the first time.
Geometry Regents Exam Day Rules
What do you need to bring for Geometry regents?
On exam day, students should bring pens, pencils, and erasers. If the school site is not providing them, students should bring compasses, rulers, and graphing calculators. Students are provided a reference sheet as part of the exam.
What calculators are allowed on Geometry Regents?
Students will need graphing calculators in order to complete the exam, but there are very specific requirements for these calculators. Schools should provide assistance in setting up calculator “test mode” and make sure students will be able to use their calculators on the test. For a complete list of guidelines, see the New York State Regents calculator rules here.
How to study for Geometry Regents? 5 Tips!
- Find Out What You Don't Know
Taking a practice test is a great way to begin studying for Regents tests. Ivy Tutors offers diagnostic testing that can jump-start your test prep plans. Once you know which areas of the Geometry Regents exam you need to work on, it will be easier to make a study plan. If you struggle with time management or the stress of test day, our Regents tutors can help come up with a customized plan that will help you get more answers right in a shorter amount of time. Feeling confident before test day can drastically change the outcome of the exam, and Ivy Tutors work hard to make sure students feel prepared and will excel - Practice What Scares You
When preparing for tests, sometimes it can be tempting to skip past concepts that make you feel apprehensive. Although this makes test prep go faster, it will ultimately leave you feeling underprepared. Once you know which areas of the test pose problems, challenge yourself to work through these trouble spots first and then move on to problems you feel comfortable solving. - Face Test Anxiety Head-On
Many students struggle with test anxiety. It’s understandable that nerves come up before important exams. However, it’s important to keep Regents exams in perspective. You can retake them, and they are only one measure of your understanding. If you work hard in class and study for the exam, you can pass. And, Ivy Tutors are equipped to help you work through anxiety as test days approach. Remember, the best solution for test anxiety is preparation! - Review Old Materia
One of the best ways to prepare for Geometry Regents exams is to use old class exams and homework as practice tests. Go through past assignments and pick out problems that were difficult for you and work through them. This will help you make connections between the material you’ve learned and what you’ll show on exam day. - Practice Showing Your Work
A key part of the Geometry Regents exam is a clear understanding of spatial reasoning. When you do practice problems, make sure to document your thought process clearly (Ivy Tutors can help you build this skill). Showing your work lets you see your own thought process clearly. This makes it easy to find the part of problems where you make mistakes and to work through them.