Diagnostic & Mock Testing
Practice Makes Perfect! Thatâs why weekly mock testing is included in the price of our hourly on-on-one tutoring services. Take a practice SAT, ACT, SSAT, ISEE, SHSAT, TACHS, AP or SAT Subject test from the comfort of home or come into our midtown Manhattan test prep center to test in a proctored setting. Youâll always receive a detailed score report to help identify specific strengths and weaknesses, allowing us to create a personalized, efficient program for each student.
Sign up for a diagnostic test
Trying to decide between the SAT and ACT?
Our 3.5-hour SAT vs. ACT Diagnostic test tells you which test you are naturally better at and diagnoses your strengths & weaknesses. Youâll receive an 8-page test analysis report, the key to creating a personalized, highly efficient, and data-driven plan for your test prep success story.