NYC Public High School Admissions Timeline 2022
It can be difficult to keep track of all the moving parts and deadlines required for the public high school admissions process. Fortunately, we’re here to help! Ivy Tutors Network has put together a handy timeline to help you know what happens when. We’ve also included some suggestion for what you can do now to start preparing. Enjoy!
It can be difficult to keep track of all the moving parts and deadlines required for the public high school admissions process. Fortunately, we’re here to help! Ivy Tutors Network has put together a handy timeline to help you know what happens when. We’ve also included some suggestions for what you can do now to start preparing. Enjoy!

- Prep for state tests (January)
- Diagnostic SHSAT & begin test/audition prep
- Research schools, do virtual tours
- Compile the initial school list
- Continue test prep and/or audition prep
- Continue refining school list
- Sign up for and attend open houses/tours
- SHSAT final push + take test (Oct)
- Finalize school lists and rank schools
- Submit General Education application and work on supplementary applications (December)
- Finalize supplementary applications
- Decisions (usually in March but late last 2 years)
What to Do Now
If your child is starting 7th grade (or you just want a preview of what's to come), here's what you can do now to prepare for admissions season.
- Make sure your child is receiving the support they need to perform their best academically. Depending your child, this may mean providing them with enrichment, or helping them shore up math and ELA skills. Maybe your child needs executive functioning support – advocacy, organization, time management, scaffolding of work, environmental supports etc.. This is also when you should determine whether you child needs an IEP or 504.
- Gather examples of your child’s best work from 7th grade (written, individual work with teacher comments, plus artwork, creative writing, and other projects from inside and outside of school).
- Review interview tips and sample questions and practice interviewing with an adult who is not a parent.
- If your child is planning on applying to LaGuardia, or any other arts school that requires an audition / portfolio, begin preparation over the summer. Audition coaches and summer audition preparation camps and programs can help build confidence. Review audition requirements from last year to determine the scope of what is usually asked. This may change!